Urantia Wisconsin
Upcoming Events
April 20 - Wisconsin Society Spring Meeting, noon, lunch is provided, I hope to put it on Zoom for distant attendees.
Reports - Secretary and Treasurer
Old Business
CherubiMail, Alice, and authorization to pay
Invitation to Minnesota Readers, Kurt
New Business
Motion to amend constituion to move Membership duties to Vice President
Picnic, should we have one? Who will do it?
TDA delagate and alternate
Mission project - We have none.
Report on Society Conclave, it discussed major chnages in Fellowship Constitution - brief. For those interested in more detail, I will set up a separate Zoom meeting.
Election of officers, President and Treasurer
Intriguing Passages Submitted by Wisconsin and Midwest Readers
October, 2022
You are my chosen ambassadors, but I know that, in the circumstances, you could not entertain this belief as a result of mere human knowledge. This is a revelation of the spirit of my Father to your inmost souls. And when, therefore, you make this confession by the insight of the spirit of my Father which dwells within you, I am led to declare that upon this foundation will I build the brotherhood of the kingdom of heaven. Upon this rock of spiritual reality will I build the living temple of spiritual fellowship in the eternal realities of my Father’s kingdom. All the forces of evil and the hosts of sin shall not prevail against this human fraternity of the divine spirit. And while my Father’s spirit shall ever be the divine guide and mentor of all who enter the bonds of this spirit fellowship, to you and your successors I now deliver the keys of the outward kingdom—the authority over things temporal—the social and economic features of this association of men and women as fellows of the kingdom.” And again he charged them, for the time being, that they should tell no man that he was the Son of God. (emphasis Jan's)
I love the fact that we are part of a spirit fellowship that has been given the Power of God, that we have the ability to communicate over all space-time limits as One in God.
I have no classes tomorrow and intend to call you before noon.
Thanks for letting me share my latest revelation. Jan, Madison study group
August, 2022
The following was sent to me, unbidden, from a reader in Eagle River. It is longer, but I just didn't know what to cut. As always, italics are from the UB.
Paper 103 was the catalyst that removed the feeling that I didn’t fit in anywhere religiously because of my background of growing up in a non-religious household that WAS however, a very positive, loving place. I also always find it amazing that Jim and I come from the same loving place, despite his religious upbringing and my lack thereof.
A few sentences in 103 that were bullet points for me (bold is mine):
Sect 1, Pgh 1
“In reality, every human being defines religion in the terms of his own experiential interpretation of the divine impulses emanating from the God spirit that indwells him, and therefore must such an interpretation be unique and wholly different from the religious philosophy of all other human beings.”
Pgh 4
“Religion is primarily a pursuit of values, and then there formulates a system of interpretative beliefs. It is much easier for men to agree on religious values — goals — than on beliefs — interpretations.
Sect 2, Pgh 3
“The first promptings of a child’s moral nature have not to do with sex, guilt, or personal pride, but rather with impulses of justice, fairness, and urges to kindness—helpful ministry to one’s fellows. And when such early moral awakenings are nurtured, there occurs a gradual development of the religious life which is comparatively free from conflicts, upheavals, and crises.”
Pgh 6
“In the absence of wrong teaching, the mind of the normal child moves positively, in the emergence of religious consciousness, towards moral righteousness and social ministry, rather than negatively, away from sin and guilt.”
And that’s a start. Before reading Paper 103, I felt like I was just a curious observer of what the Urantia Book is all about. After reading it, I feel like a part of it all — I have NEVER felt like I could fit into any “religion” before. Even the WORD religion makes me uncomfortable…like I have to conform to things I don’t feel comfortable with….Paper 103 liberated me from all of that! Yay!
Love Jo
June, 2022
The present-day rituals of the dairymen priests of the Todas do not represent a religious ceremony since these impersonal prayers do not contribute anything to the conservation or enhancement of anay social, moral, or spiritual values. 91.0.4
I have written before that I often eliminate words for the purpose of understanding a passage. So let’s try it here.
(These) … rituals… do not represent (religion) since these impersonal prayers do not contribute to the enhancement of values.
Let’s recall some things. First, from the Urantia Book’s religion papers – religion is a personal experience. Second, values are non-touchable; love, compassion, persistence, determination, courage, etc.
With words eliminated, changed, and the negatives turned to positives, it becomes:
These rituals are religious (a personal experience) because these personal prayers enhance values. Of course, that sentence, as changed, is not referring to the Todas. But it is more understandable to me and has more meaning to me. Robert, Clintonville
The mass of experience is determined by depth of concept plus totality of recognition of the reality of the external. The motion of experience equals the force of expectant imagination plus the keenness of the sensory discovery of the external qualities of contacted reality. 102.4.2
Well, first I think it is interesting how the authors put this non-tangible thing, experience, into a mathematical equation. But what really hits me is "...motion of experience..." Asserting that experience has motion. And, yes it does, I guess. All experiences happen in time. Going for a walk happens in time. Carving a bird happens in time. Experience has motion as much as a pendulum. What struck me was the nonchalant way they drop that phrase and concept into a larger sentence as if, "Well, doesn't everyone know that experience has motion?" They speak of experience as a real thing, as real to them as trains are to us, "...the motion of a train..." Robert, Clintonville
Skepticism may challenge the theories of theology, but confidence in the dependability of personal experience affirms the truth of that belief which has grown into faith. 102.6.4
"...confidence in the dependability..." I have recently been interviewing parents of teens for the purpose of finding out what teens need. Some parents raised their children in parochial school, others not. Some took their children to Sunday school, others not. Some of the children have not ever attended church.
Nearly all the parents are known to me and hence are teachers. This means they have experience with teens and children on a broader range of emotions and behaviors than other parents. My sample parents have mentioned dating angst, suicide, covid deaths, dehumanization of devices amongst their children and students.
Each parent, bare none, has mentioned the need of teens to have a belief system, as one parent put it, "...ANY belief system," to help them cope. Another mentioned the value of having an anchor to hold one in upheaval -- God is protecting me, I don't know how, but he is. Or, God has a purpose for me. Robert, Clintonville
May, 2022
In the last analysis, religion is to be judged by its fruits, according to the manner and the extent to which it exhibits its own inherent and divine excellence. UB 101:4.4
Nearly fifty years ago, when I was first handed the Urantia Book while staying in a commune on the island of Molokai, one of the concepts I read within the many pages was of 'loving service'! Even though I had been brought up in the Catholic church, this idea of loving service was somewhat foreign to me. The action of lovingly doing something to help someone unlocks the door for the Thought Adjuster to be part of our minds and thereby accept salvation, 'the free gift of God, but those who are born of the spirit will immediately begin to show forth the fruits of the spirit in loving service to their fellow creatures. And the fruits of the divine spirit which are yielded in the lives of spirit-born and God-knowing mortals are; "...loving service...[quoting one of ten]..Increasingly , must you yield the fruits of the spirit as you progress heavenward in the kingdom of God. You may enter the kingdom as a child, but the Father requires that you grow up, by grace, to the full stature of spiritual adulthood." 193:2.2
As a person approaches the Sanctuary of a Lutheran church in Eagle River, Wisconsin above the door it is written, Gathered by Grace, Sent to Serve. To this I say Amen! Jim, Eagle River
And it can be so contained since the faith of Jesus was nourished by, and was revelatory of, even realities beyond the ultimate; the faith of Jesus approached the status of a universe absolute in so far as such is possible of manifestation in the evolving cosmos of time and space. 101.6.16
In order to understand some passages I just eliminate some words. For example, put a period after “cosmos” and cut “of time and space” then read it and the meaning is not very different. In fact, read “...the faith of Jesus approached…” and put a period after “absolute” and just ponder that meaning. I really don’t need the long qualifying phrase “...in so far as…” that follows it.
This technique of cutting out extraneous phrases allows me to ponder the core meaning of a passage. I understand it is hard to do during a study group. I am left wondering what to cut while the reader is two paragraphs beyond me.
That’s okay. At least I understand it. Robert, Clintonville
April, 2022
Though it is hardly proper to speak of Jesus as a sacrificer, a ransomer, or a redeemer, it is wholly correct to refer to him as a savior. He forever made the way of salavation (survival) more clear and certain: he did better and more surely show the way of salvation for all the mortals of all the worlds of the universe of Nebadon.
Jesus is much more than a teacher or a guide, an inspiration, or example of living God's will. I pay attention to italics, in fact, I published a book titled "The BOLD & Italicized Words from The Urantia Book" a few years ago. Whenever I come across those words I stop and read them in context again, and ask, "What are the Revelators afraid we will miss?" Susan, Indiana - (See Susan's complete thoughts on The Urantia Book's use of italics and bold here.)
Reason alone can never validate the values and goodnesses of religious experience. But it will always remain true: Whosoever wills to do the will of God shall comprehend the validity of spiritual values. This is the nearest approach that can be made on the mortal level to offering proofs of the reality of religious experience. 101.10.6 (emphasis added)
As you’ve heard me say before...I bristle when anyone tries to tell me what I should believe, feel and do. I am such a free spirit, ...But what I love about the Urantia book is the freedom to do it “your way,” such as “You don’t have to call God “God"…you can call “him” what you want….such as the VIBE which I am totally connected to 24/7. Jo, Eagle River
I can't help but point out the words "wills" and "spiritual values." "Wills" -- meaning, one does not have to actually DO the will of God, simply choose to do it. "Spiritual values" -- such as honesty, loyalty, courage, etc. Robert
Religion effectually cures man's sense of ... isolation or spiritual loneliness; ... No longer is such a liberated son fighting alone against the inexorable doom ... no longer does he combat all nature, with the odds hopelessly against him ...Now, rather, are the sons of God enlisted together in fighting the battle of reality's triumph over the partial shadows of existence. At last all creatures become conscious of the fact that God and all the divine hosts of a well-nigh limitless universe are on their side... even the stars in their courses are now doing battle for them...101.10.7-9
These are exciting thoughts! How reassuring! I have been increasingly aware that angst, depression, and thoughts of suicide, are on the rise in teenagers. I have been looking for points of view, philosophies of living, that would combat such feelings. These three paragraphs go a long way to doing that. Robert, Clintonville
March, 2022
And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him: And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked. Bible, Mark 14. 51 & 52
All this time John Mark had remained secluded in the near-by shed. When the guards...John attempted to steal out of the shed in order...just as he emerged, one of the last of the returning soldiers ...gave chase, almost overtaking him. In fact, the soldier got near enough to John to lay hold upon his coat, but the young man freed himself from the garment, escaping naked while the soldier held the empty coat. John Mark made his way... 183.3.9
Our family had read the above passage just a few days before attending an Easter church service. The church was very full. Our children found space a couple rows in front of my wife and I. The pastor read and pondered on the Bible passage. It really is an odd passage as nothing before or after it mentions the young man. The pastor spend quite a few minutes on wondering why it was in the Bible. Our eldest turned around, smiled and nodded, seeming to say "We know," as Paul Harvey might, "the rest of the story." Robert, Clintonville
The teachings of Jesus constituted the first Urantian religion which so fully embraced a harmonious coordination of knowledge, wisdom, faith, truth, and love as completely and simultaneously to provide temporal tranquility, intellectual certainty, moral enlightenment, philosophic stability, ethical sensitivity, God consciousness, and the positive assurance of personal survival. The faith of Jesus pointed the way to finality of human salvation, to the ultimate of mortal universe attainment...101.6.8
Any and all the teachings of Jesus that constituted the first Urantian religion are commendable and to be celebrated but the term 'God consciousness' immediately stood out and caught my attention because it was a new term unknown to me in all the years of my religious upbringing. To be conscious of the Father is was Jesus practiced constantly and when I pray the 'Our Father' I think of Jesus' desire for us to be God conscious. Jim, Eagle River
February, 2022
Of Jesus it was truly said, "He trusted God." As a man among men he most sublimely trusted the Father in heaven. He trusted his Father as a little child trusts his earthly parent. His faith was perfect but never presumptuous. No matter how cruel nature might appear to be or how indifferent to man's welfare on earth, Jesus never faltered in his faith. He was immune to disappointment and impervious to persecution. He was untouched by apparent failure. 100.7.7
I'm just blown away by the language used to describe Jesus. It is so beautiful and goes on and on. Jo, Eagle River
The children of light are all destined to see him, and it is of no serious concern whether we go to him or whether he should chance first to come to us. 176.4.7
This is just so reassuring. Either we'll see Jesus here when he returns or we'll see him when we get there. Alice, Wausau
Why should man bemoan his lowly origin and enforced evolutionary career when the very Gods must pass through an equivalent experience before they are accounted experientially worthy and competent finally and fully to rule over their universe domains. 21.4.6
What a stunning and reassuring fact! Dave, Madison
The sincere pursuit of goodness, beauty, and truth leads to God. 195.6.17
I like this sentence because it is helpful in the secular age we are living in. It helps me to set aside dogma and engage with the divine reality of our friendly universe. Vicki, Clintonville
Religion is not a specific function of life; rather is it a mode of living. True religion is a wholehearted devotion to some reality which the religionist deems to be of supreme value to himself and all mankind. 100.6.1
I like this for two reasons. First, it implies that religion is not done on one day of the week or during one or two parts of each day. Instead, it is how we live from moment to moment. Second, this "reality of supreme value" could be loyalty, truth, empathy, and selflessness . Any of these, when guiding our daily living, is true religion. Robert, Clintonville
Study Groups Especially for Beginners
New York Beginners Group
Our procedure is to read successively paper by paper and our overall objective is to complete a total read-through of the entire Book. This study group meets weekly on Monday nights from 7:15 to 9:00 PM Eastern Time.
Since this study group is now approaching the final Paper in Part I (as of January 2022), we think this would be an opportune time to re-issue an announcement and invitation with details about the group, so that new readers might join us as we begin Part II.
A number of the group’s readers have only a year or so experience (as of January 2022), others longer. Attendees vary from week to week and span an area from Australia to Nova Scotia.
Jorgey and Paul Krupa <bannerofmichael@ymail.com>
Pato Banton on Facebook
Tuesday study group is for beginners and young people ages 12-19. Meets at 5-6:30 pm, PST
Boulder Colorado
We stick to the Jesus Papers. We reasoned that Jesus' story is familiar and relatable to everyone, and anyone can jump into a Jesus study group at almost anywhere in the process and pick it up. It has been very successful in that we don't lose new readers, they stay with us. From time to time we do topical studies as well, like on Angels or Adam and Eve.
Our group is currently (January, 2022) exclusively Zoom and goes on every Tuesday night at 7 PM Mountain Time. We have, on average, 15 people attending regularly.
https://truthbook.com/ (Scroll to the bottom. Click on “contact us.” Ask for the Boulder beginning group.)
Especially for beginning readers — Tuesdays, 6:00 pm, MST all year Tempe, AZ, Desert Rose, Grand Canyon Society, in Part 4, host Brother Josh Wilson
Second Tuesdays
Western Suburbs of Chicago
We have a monthly study group in the western suburbs of Chicago on the second Tuesday of every month, 1:00-3:00 Central Time by Zoom.
Urantia University New Reader Course
Urantia University Institute (UUI) has developed a New Reader Course to help such fledgling readers cross the initial threshold, equipping them to comfortably begin a full exploration of the text and to participate in the growing Urantia movement.
The course is structured as a series of 10 weekly Zoom meetings, each about two and a half hours long, with no additional work requirements.
Study Group Directory
The Fellowship, UAI, and the Foundation jointly host the Urantia Book Study Group Directory.
You can find the Directory at:
The live real time map of annually confirmed active study groups is provided to all three organizations. If you visit the study group page of the Fellowship website at:
And then click on the text “click here for more information” (the name of the Directory is not an active link) you will then go to the live map:
On this page you can then click on the link “UrantiaStudyGroup.org” to visit the actual Directory website.
This Directory came about as the result of a joint meeting between UAI and Fellowship. Every year each organization contributes $1000 to the maintenance and upgrading of this Directory. Every year, every study group listed in the Directory is contacted by email or phone to confirm that they are still actively meeting. Any group that has not responded for two years is deleted as inactive.
We have active study groups from 63 countries using several languages. We even have one group that uses sign language.
Wisconsin Organizations and Efforts
Wisconsin Society -- serves Wisconsin readers
Lake Michigan Association -- serves Lake Michigan area
Urantia Life Lessons -- YouTube channel, wonderful, short, useful in living
Through the Year With The Urantia Book -- Annual cycle of reading from The Urantia Book with emphasis on the life and teachings of Jesus.
National and International Organizations
The Foundation -- original publisher
The Fellowship -- bringing readers together, education, publisher
The Association -- bringing readers together, education
Truthbook -- amazing website, lots of web resources
Urantia University Institute -- education, great beginner's course
Contact Us
If you have problems with this page or its links or have questions, contact us.